December 28, 2016

Although we would have liked to have had Bo stay longer as a post-doc, we wish him well at his new job at Teledyne!

September 29, 2016

Congratulations to Bo for finishing his thesis! He will take on the new role of postdoc in the group when he returns from his wedding.

September 20, 2016

There have been a lot of things happening. The lab met for dinner in honor of Bo finishing his thesis, Alex and Aranya joining the group, and Chuyao leaving to go back to England to finish her undergraduate

September 20, 2016

At 2016 Techcon in Austin, Texas, Tony received Best in Session for his talk on "MBE Growth, Magnetic, and Electrical Characterization of Heusler Compound Heterostructures and Epitaxial Tunnel Junction Stacks for Spintronic Applications."

For more information:

September 16, 2016

Here are the titles of their talks:

  • Improvement in Quantum Mobility in InSb Quantum Well Structures by Reduction of Extended Defects, MIHIR PENDHARKAR, B. SHOJAEI, A. MCFADDEN, J.S. LEE, C. PALMSTROM, University of California - Santa Barbara


  • Growth and Characterization of Horizontal ErSb Nanowires in a GaSb Matrix, NATHANIEL WILSON, S. KRAEMER, J. KAWASAKI, B. SCHULTZ, C. PALMSTRØM, University of California - Santa Barbara
September 8, 2016

Alex Chang and Aranya Goswami have joined our group this year! Alex comes from UC Berkeley and Aranya comes from the Indian Institute of Technology-Kharagpur.

July 21, 2016

We welcome Prof. Leyla Çolakerol Arslan from Gebze Institute of Technology in Turkey and visiting graduate student Jovana Colvin from Lund University in Sweden. Two of our undergraduate interns are Mayer Feldman and Didiel Vazquez Morales.

February 22, 2016

Amanda Andreasson from Lund University joins our group and will be working on growing the Heusler alloy Mn3Ge with MBE for use in magnetic tunnel junctions.