Displaying 501 - 525 of 552
Palmstrøm, Christopher J, SA Schwarz, ED Marshall, E Yablonovitch, JP Harbison, CL Schwartz, L Florez, TJ Gmitter, LC Wang, and SS Lau. 1988. “A High Depth Resolution Backside Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Technique Used For Studying Metal/Gaas Contacts”. Mrs Online Proceedings Library Archive 126. Cambridge University Press.
Garrison, KC, Christopher J Palmstrøm, and RA Bartynski. 1988. “Growth And Characterization Of Single Crystal Epitaxial Coga On Mbe Grown Iii-V Semiconductors”. Mrs Online Proceedings Library Archive 144. Cambridge University Press.
Palmstrøm, Christopher J, K Garrison, BO Fimland, JP Harbison, T Sands, EW Chase, and L Florez. 1988. “Insitu Fabricated Metal Alloy Contacts To Ga1-Xalxas (X= 0-1)-A Test Of Models For Schottky-Barrier Formation”.
Palmstrøm, Christopher J. 1988. “M, N. Tabatabaie, And Sj Allen, Jr”. Appl. Phys. Lett 53: 2608.
Galvin, Gregory J, and Christopher J Palmstrøm. (jul # "~12") 1988. “Method Of Making Group Iv Single Crystal Layers On Group Iii-V Substrates Using Solid Phase Epitaxial Growth”.
Sands, T, JP Harbison, SA Schwarz, Christopher J Palmstrøm, N Tabatabaie, WK Chan, and VG Keramidas. 1988. “Structure And Stability Of Ultrathin Nial Films In (Al, Ga) As/Nial/(Al, Ga) As Heterostructures”.
Schwarz, SA, P Mei, DM Hwang, CL Schwartz, T Venkatesan, Christopher J Palmstrøm, NG Stoffel, and R Bhat. 1988. “Studies Of In 0.53 Ga 0.47 As/Inp Superlattice Mixing And Conversion”. Mrs Online Proceedings Library Archive 144. Cambridge University Press.
Palmstrøm, Christopher J, EW Chase, JP Harbison, CC Chang, AS Kaplan, and DM Hwang. 1987. “Co Contacts To Gaas And Ga1-Xalxas-Reactions And Electrical-Properties”.
Palmstrøm, Christopher J, CC Chang, A Yu, GJ Galvin, and JW Mayer. 1987. “Co/Gaas Interfacial Reactions”. Journal Of Applied Physics 62. American Institute of Physics: 3755-3762.
Mills, Peter J, Christopher J Palmstrøm, and Edward J Kramer. 1986. “Concentration Profiles Of Non-Fickian Diffusants In Glassy Polymers By Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry”. Journal Of Materials Science 21. Kluwer Academic Publishers: 1479-1486.
Altena, H, H Arwin, DE Aspnes, VE Badan, P Balk, Yu Barmin V, NM Bashara, et al. 1986. “G6Nzales, Jp, L59 Harding, Gl, 279 Hirth, Jp, 267 Hodgkinson, Ij, 289 Lgnatiev, A., 97”. Thin Solid Films 138: 305.
Mills, Peter J, Peter F Green, Christopher J Palmstrøm, James W Mayer, and Edward J Kramer. 1986. “Polydispersity Effects On Diffusion In Polymers: Concentration Profiles Of D-Polystyrene Measured By Forward Recoil Spectrometry”. Journal Of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 24. John Wiley \& Sons, Inc. New York: 1-9.
Chen, SM, CB Carter, and Christopher J Palmstrøm. 1986. “T. Ohashi In Thin Films-Interfaces And Phenomena, Edited By Pj Nemanich, Ps Ho, And Ss Lau”.
Chen, SM, CB Carter, Christopher J Palmstrøm, T Ohashi, PJ Nemanich, PS Ho, and SS Lau. 1986. “Thin Films-Interfaces And Phenomena”.
Olowolafe, JO, Christopher J Palmstrøm, EG Colgan, and JW Mayer. 1985. “Al/Tiw Reaction Kinetics: Influence Of Cu And Interface Oxides”. Journal Of Applied Physics 58. American Institute of Physics: 3440-3443.
Palmstrøm, Christopher J, DV Morgan, and MJ Howes. 1985. “Gallium Arsenide Materials, Devices And Circuits”. Chichester, Uk Wiley, 200-205.
Palmstrøm, Christopher J. 1985. “Gallium Arsenide, Edited By Mj Howes And Dv Morgan”. Wiley, New York.
Colgan, EG, Christopher J Palmstrøm, and JW Mayer. 1985. “Influence Of Cu As An Impurity In Al/V Thin-Film Reactions”. Journal Of Applied Physics 58. American Institute of Physics: 1838-1840.
Chen, SH, CB Carter, Christopher J Palmstrøm, and T Ohashi. 1985. “Lateral Reactions Of Gaas With Ni Studied By Transmission Electron Microscopy”. Mrs Online Proceedings Library Archive 54. Cambridge University Press.
Yamada, I, Christopher J Palmstrøm, E Kennedy, JW Mayer, H Inokawa, T Takagi, JM Gibson, and LR Dawson. 1985. “Layered Structures, Epitaxy, And Interfaces”.
Green, Peter F, Christopher J Palmstrøm, James W Mayer, and Edward J Kramer. 1985. “Marker Displacement Measurements Of Polymer-Polymer Interdiffusion”. Macromolecules 18. ACS Publications: 501-507.
Palmstrøm, Christopher J, DV Morgan, MJ Howes, and DV Morgan. 1985. “Metallizations For Gaas Devices And Circuits”. Gallium Arsenide. Materials, Devices And Circuits, 195-261.
Brat, T, M Eizenberg, R Fastow, Christopher J Palmstrøm, and JW Mayer. 1985. “Pulsed Proton-Beam Annealing Of Ir And Ir X V100- X Thin Films On Silicon”. Journal Of Applied Physics 57. American Institute of Physics: 264-269.
Lam, WK, YT Tan, Christopher J Palmstrøm, and JW Mayer. 1985. “Rutherford Backscattering Determination Of Iodide Distribution In Ag (Br, I) Sheet Crystal”. Journal Of Photographic Science 33: 219-220.
Hung, LS, EF Kennedy, Christopher J Palmstrøm, JO Olowolafe, JW Mayer, and H Rhodes. 1985. “Silicide Formation By Thermal Annealing Of Ni And Pd On Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Films”. Applied Physics Letters 47. American Institute of Physics: 236-238.